''Office design does not really matter. As long as it is warm then our workers will be happy enough. Right?''


The layout and facilities on offer in your workplace have a major impact on employees productivity and creativity. Used correctly, office design can also help to improve morale, and increase loyalty to your business.

Want to know more? Then read on...

In recent times, companies like Google and Apple have revolutionised the world of workplace design and it has played a large part in their success. Others looked on with envy, believing there must be some secret formula that would be massively expensive for 'normal' businesses to emulate.

In reality, there isn't. These tech giants just followed the science - which is available to everyone, and is remarkably cheap to implement.

To help maximise your workplace performance, we have compiled 3 office design ideas to send productivity soaring:

Ditch The Rug

Does you office have a carpet? That should be the first thing to go! Carpets act as a pollution sponge, collecting dust, dirt, and bacteria. Fungi makes its home deep in the pile, while being a perfect breeding ground for viruses.

These pollutants actually cause employees to work slower - it affects their concentration and happiness. One study found that in a workplace with an old carpet, staff typed 6.5% slower than when the carpet was removed!

By using hard flooring like laminate, wood, or tiles, you are eliminating the build up of toxins and making the office a much cleaner environment.

Bring The Plants Inside

Using plants to decorate your office could be the single most important way to help improve your employees happiness.

For a start, plants make the air cleaner. Researchers have discovered that leaves and soil act as filters to absorb toxins and clean the air. In one experiment, air pollution was reduced by 75% just by introducing plants into the indoor environment.

They also have a big impact on mood. In this investigation, scientists showed that stress and anxiety were decreased when humans had views of vegetation and trees. Obviously, happy employees are less argumentative and participate more, enhancing productivity and creativity.

Temperature Check

While it is important for employees to be warm, just what is the best temperature for workers to operate at? Getting the heating and air conditioning levels right can mean significant staff performance gains.

Science tells us that the ideal temperature for maximum productivity is around 21-22 degrees. This makes the majority of employees comfortable. If your office is usually much warmer or colder than this, then you may want to adjust things. The same researchers found that by the time the thermometer hit 30 degrees, productivity had lowered by 9%.

Ventilation is the second part of the heating puzzle. All workplaces need a supply of fresh air to provide oxygen and to limit tiredness. Indoor pollutants rise when ventilation decreases, so it is wise to ensure that you have a clean air conditioning system or regularly open office windows to freshen things up.

These 3 design ideas are very easy and cheap to implement. Spend a weekend making the relevant changes in your office, and start to reap the immediate productivity benefits.

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